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Caffeine Chart

Caffeine Content in Beverages

Comprehensive overview of caffeine content in coffee, tea and other beverages

BeverageServingCaffeine ContentCaffeine per ml
Espresso100 ml210-215 mg2.13 mg/ml
Filter Coffee100 ml40-66 mg0.53 mg/ml
Latte Macchiato (1/3 espresso)300 ml210-215 mg0.71 mg/ml
Cappuccino150 ml52-53 mg0.35 mg/ml
Red Bull330 ml99 mg0.30 mg/ml
Cola100 ml8 mg0.08 mg/ml
Coca Cola100 ml10 mg0.10 mg/ml
Black Tea100 ml20-25 mg0.23 mg/ml

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